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Grant Funding Opportunities
Funding sources
American Osteopathic Association
The AOA’s research grant program supports the pursuit of research rooted in osteopathic principles and practice that promotes the overall impact and efficacy of osteopathic medicine. Researchers are encouraged to submit funding applications for studies that explore the whole-person approach of osteopathic medicine, while also addressing disease states and spectrum of patient care (e.g., primary, secondary and tertiary). For additional information, contact Gloria Dillard, MPH at
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
ARC uses Congressionally appropriated funds to invest in the Region’s economic and community development through grants. In Fiscal Year 2021, Congress appropriated a record $180 million for the Appalachian Regional Commission. As part of our unique federal-state partnership, ARC’s grant application process begins at the state government level. All ARC grants align with the investment priorities outlined in our current
Strategic Plan
and reflect
state plans and strategies
. ARC also issues specific Requests for Proposals for
research and evaluation
contracts on topics directly impacting economic development in the Appalachian Region. Learn more
Delta Regional Authority (DRA)
Works to improve regional economic opportunity by helping to create jobs, build communities, and improve the lives of the 10 million people who reside in 252 counties and parishes of the eight-state Delta region. Click,
, to find additional information.
HRSA eNews
is a
twice-monthly publication that provides updates on HRSA's programs, funding opportunities, events, and other timely information.
HRSA - Federal Office of Rural Health Policy Grants
Find out upcoming and recent funding opportunities, and learn more about the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP). Includes news and announcements on Rural Hospital programs, rural health policy announcements, and recorded webinars. Find upcoming and recent funding opportunities, and larn more about FORHP opportunities,
Rural Health Information Hub (RHI)
Stay current on rural health news, funding opportunities, research, and more with RHIs email updates.
Rural Hospital Improvement (SHIP) Grant
The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy provides Small Rural Hospital Improvement (SHIP) Grant Program funds to State Offices of Rural Health to assist small rural hospitals with activities related to any or all of the following: Value-Based Purchasing, Accountable Care Organizations or Shared Savings, Payment Bundling/Medicare Prospective Payment System.
For the Small Rural Hospital Improvement (SHIP) Grant Program, a small rural hospital is defined as one with 49 beds or less (as reported on the hospital's most recently filed Medicare Cost Report) and located in a rural area. All Critical Access Hospitals are eligible for the program. Other hospitals with 49 beds or less can check their rural status by using the Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer Tool at the following web address:
Hospitals must submit an application annually and are required to submit status and final reports on all activities.